Friday, October 21, 2011

Gina Lotta Post Artistamp Museum Blog-in-Print

This offer ends December 1, 2011.

A downloadable color PDF catalog is now available of the Gina Lotta Post Artistamp Museum blog. It consists of all standard posts (excluding videos and Pages) of entries to the blog in the order posted made into book format. You can download, then print, and/or keep your copy electronically. This is an easy way to document your participation, and show family and friends all the wonderful artistamps from around the world.

Because a complete copy of this book is too large for a downloadable file, the book is in two parts:

·        Part One = 226 pages starting at the Welcome post and ending with the February 22, 2011 post.

·        Part Two = 120 pages starting with the March 5, 2011 post and ending with the September 11, 2011 post.

·        Part Three = will be created in the future as more work is added to the collection. (As I write this a new stack of submissions are building for my next posting day so continue to send works to be included in this edition.)
How to Get a Copy
You have a few options:
·        Contributors to the collection, cost is $2.00 US per part downloadable. That’s only $4.00 for both parts. (Free to contributors of 30 or more sheets/50 or more Cinderellas – send an email request.)
·        General public and institutional cost is $10.00 per part downloadable.
·        CD copies of the complete set of 2 books are available for $25+ shipping.
·        If you prefer, I will print and send a complete copy at cost plus shipping with a surcharge of $20 over your cost.

Send checks/money orders made payable to Ginny Lloyd, sent to PO Box 1424, Jupiter, FL 33468, USA or send PayPal payments to or send US cash in a secure envelop. Orders need to indicate which parts you are requesting and which format (downloadable, CD or print). Be sure I have your correct address and email at the time of your order. You can also preorder Part Three with prepayment at the time of ordering Parts One and Two.

All funds will go to support the archival storage of the collection and operating expenses. This offer ends December 1, 2011.

Recipients are entitled to only one copy electronically and one copy in print. You are not authorized to make additional electronic copies or make more than one print of the files without additional payment.

By the way, there is a book currently in production about artistamps including articles on artistamps written especially for the book, including works from the collection. If you are a writer and have an idea for an article feel free to contact me. The offer in this post is a separate project.