Wednesday, November 2, 2011

50 Year Jubilee Box - Lutz Wohlrab Verlag - GERMANY - 2011

Lutz says: "This Assembling is a small extract from the network, but in a slightly larger format, which not all the participants kept – that is  mail art as well. It includes a postcard in an envelope, perforated  artist stamp sheets, works of different reproduction techniques and  contributions of a diverse nature. That suited the idea that first gave  rise to this assembling, namely to collect material for a mail art  exhibition in Berlin in 2012.
More information can be found at: "

MOMA / Museum of Mail Art at Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Kartause Ittingen - HR Fricker - Warth, SWITZERLAND - 2011

Другая Почта/ Иные Марки_выставка в - Konstantin Kalendaroff - St Petersburg, RUSSIA - 2011